Storm season has arrived and with it the need to make certain that the storm sirens in Delta County are operating correctly and ready to sound, if needed.
Beginning Monday, March 31st, all storm sirens in Delta County will be tested. The tests will take place sometime between 11:30am and 1:00pm and will last no more than a few minutes.
After the March test, all storm sirens will be tested on the last day of each month until further notice.
There will be a few exceptions to this schedule.
• If storms are already in the area, or there is an imminent threat of storms on the scheduled test day, the testing will NOT take place on the scheduled day but will take place on the first storm-free day following the scheduled test.
• Testing will NOT take place on any Sunday. If the last day of the month falls on Sunday, the testing will take place on the Friday before the test day.
While storm sirens are essential for safety, their effectiveness hinges on their performance. This is where the significance of monthly testing comes into play. Regular testing ensures that the sirens are functioning correctly, with sirens that are occasionally subject to wear and tear. Without scheduled checks, a malfunctioning siren could fail to operate during an actual emergency, leaving the community vulnerable to severe weather threats.
“It is now severe weather season,” stated Robert Hurst, Delta County Emergency Management Coordinator, “and people should stay prepared for approaching severe weather. Being ready starts with staying informed. There are many smartphone apps on the market that can help with this.”
Additionally, people should sign up for at the Delta County website,
www.DeltaCountyTX.com, for the Hyper-Reach mass notification system. Click on the “Receive Alerts” at the bottom of the home page to begin the sign-up process.
“We have our Hyper-Reach connected the National Weather Service reporting system in Ft. Worth so that when they issue an official Watch or Warning for our area, the Hyper-Reach system automatically forwards that information,” said Robert.
With informed residents and efficient warning systems, our county can enhance our resilience against severe weather events, ultimately saving lives and minimizing injuries when disaster strikes. As the first test draws near, the message is clear: the residents of Delta County must continue to come together to prioritize safety in the face of unpredictable weather.